Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Excited and nervous

I don't know why exactly I get nervous about a trip. It's not about flying. I think it's more about all the potential for the trip and hoping the experience lives up to my hopes and expectations.


I'm almost flight leaves in 8 hours and I'm almost packed. I know. Nothing like leaving it til the last minute. Along with a few other things I need to do. But the important stuff is in my bags already. Underwear, camera, passport. That's all I really need right?

But then comes the trip and I've got all these things I want to do and see and take photos of and come back with these amazing stories of all the unique experiences had and fascinating people met and wow would you look at how many photos there are and they're all insanely beautiful.............

What if it doesn't happen like that? What if I don't take amazing photos? What if we are exhausted from traveling and don't see as much? What if the weather sucks?

Of course the real answer is SHUT UP! You're traveling!! You LOVE to travel! Any experience is going to be amazing. If it snows-we'll play in the snow. If photos don't come out-take more! If we don't get up early-we'll go out and enjoy the rest of the day and evening. Besides, the sun doesn't rise until 9am there. 

I don't really focus on these thoughts, but these little waves of nervousness come and go before a big trip like this, especially since this is the first time I am trying to explore a city and country while writing about it.

Has anyone else experienced this kind of feeling before traveling?

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